Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS)

The sdss module provides access to supernova data from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Please note that access to the photometric and spectroscopic components of the Sako et al. 2018 data release is provided by separate modules.

Data Release Class name Data Type Publication
Sako et al. 2018 Sako18 Photometric Sako et al. 2018
Sako et al. 2018 Sako18Spec Spectroscopic Sako et al. 2018

Sako et al. 2018 (Photometric)

class sndata.sdss.Sako18[source]

The Sako18 class provides access to the photometric data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey conducted between 2005 and 2007. Light curves are presented for 10,258 variable and transient sources discovered through repeat ugriz imaging of SDSS Stripe 82, a 300 deg2 area along the celestial equator. This data release is comprised of all transient sources brighter than r ≃ 22.5 mag with no history of variability prior to 2004. (Source: Sako et al. 2018)

For the spectroscopic data of this data release see the sako18spec module.

Deviations from the standard UI:
  • The get_outliers method returns a dictionary of observations visually flagged by the SDSS team as outliers.
Cuts on returned data:
  • Data points manually marked as outliers by the SDSS research time are not included in returned data tables.

Delete any data for the current survey / data release

download_module_data(force: bool = False, timeout: float = 15)

Download data for the current survey / data release

  • force – Re-Download locally available data
  • timeout – Seconds before timeout for individual files/archives
get_available_ids() → List[str]

Return a list of target object IDs for the current survey

Returns:A list of object IDs as strings
get_available_tables() → List[Union[int, str]]

Get Ids for available vizier tables published by this data release

get_data_for_id(obj_id: str, format_table: bool = True) → astropy.table.table.Table

Returns data for a given object ID

See get_available_ids() for a list of available ID values.

  • obj_id – The ID of the desired object
  • format_table – Format data into the sndata standard format

An astropy table of data for the given ID

get_outliers() → dict[source]

Return a dictionary of data points marked by SDSS II as outliers

Returns:[<MJD of bad data point>, …], …}
Return type:A dictionary {<obj_id>
classmethod get_zp_for_band(band: str) → str

Get the zeropoint for a given band name

Parameters:band – The name of the bandpass
iter_data(verbose: bool = False, format_table: bool = True, filter_func: bool = None) → astropy.table.table.Table

Iterate through all available targets and yield data tables

An optional progress bar can be formatted by passing a dictionary of tqdm arguments. Outputs can be optionally filtered by passing a function filter_func that accepts a data table and returns a boolean.

  • verbose – Optionally display progress bar while iterating
  • format_table – Format data for SNCosmo (Default: True)
  • filter_func – An optional function to filter outputs by

Astropy tables

load_table(table_id: Union[int, str]) → astropy.table.table.Table

Return a Vizier table published by this data release

Parameters:table_id – The published table number or table name
register_filters(force: bool = False)

Register filters for this survey / data release with SNCosmo

Parameters:force – Re-register a band if already registered

Sako et al. 2018 (Spectroscopic)

class sndata.sdss.Sako18Spec[source]

The Sako18Spec class provides access to the spectroscopic data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey conducted between 2005 and 2007. Light curves are presented for 10,258 variable and transient sources discovered through repeat ugriz imaging of SDSS Stripe 82, a 300 deg2 area along the celestial equator. This data release is comprised of all transient sources brighter than r ≃ 22.5 mag with no history of variability prior to 2004. (Source: Sako et al. 2018)

For the photometric data of this data release see the sako18 module.

Deviations from the standard UI:
  • None
Cuts on returned data:
  • A spectrum is included in the data release for object 15301, but no information about this spectra is provided in the spectra summary table (Table 9). This spectrum is ignored.
  • Seven spectroscopically observed objects are missing a reported Ra, Dec, and redshift. These include: 13046, 13346, 15833, 17134, 17135, 19819, and 6471.

Delete any data for the current survey / data release

download_module_data(force: bool = False, timeout: float = 15)

Download data for the current survey / data release

  • force – Re-Download locally available data
  • timeout – Seconds before timeout for individual files/archives
get_available_ids() → List[str]

Return a list of target object IDs for the current survey

Returns:A list of object IDs as strings
get_available_tables() → List[Union[int, str]]

Get Ids for available vizier tables published by this data release

get_data_for_id(obj_id: str, format_table: bool = True) → astropy.table.table.Table

Returns data for a given object ID

See get_available_ids() for a list of available ID values.

  • obj_id – The ID of the desired object
  • format_table – Format data into the sndata standard format

An astropy table of data for the given ID

iter_data(verbose: bool = False, format_table: bool = True, filter_func: bool = None) → astropy.table.table.Table

Iterate through all available targets and yield data tables

An optional progress bar can be formatted by passing a dictionary of tqdm arguments. Outputs can be optionally filtered by passing a function filter_func that accepts a data table and returns a boolean.

  • verbose – Optionally display progress bar while iterating
  • format_table – Format data for SNCosmo (Default: True)
  • filter_func – An optional function to filter outputs by

Astropy tables

load_table(table_id: Union[int, str]) → astropy.table.table.Table

Return a Vizier table published by this data release

Parameters:table_id – The published table number or table name