Source code for sndata.sdss._sako18

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: UTF-8 -*-

"""This module defines the SDSS Sako18 API for photometric data"""

import tarfile
from itertools import product
from typing import List, Union
from urllib.parse import urljoin

import numpy as np
from astropy.table import Column, Table

from ..base_classes import DefaultParser, PhotometricRelease
from ..exceptions import InvalidObjId
from ..utils import downloads, unit_conversion

def _construct_band_name(filter_id: int, ccd_id: int) -> str:
    """Return the sncosmo band name given filter and CCD ID

        filter_id: Filter index 1 through 5 for 'ugriz'
        ccd_id: Column number 1 through 6

        The name of the filter registered with sncosmo

    return f'sdss_sako18_{"ugriz"[filter_id]}{ccd_id}'

def _format_table_to_sncosmo(data_table: Table) -> Table:
    """Format a data table for use with SNCosmo

        data_table: A data table returned by ``get_data_for_id``

        The same data in a new table following the SNCosmo data model

    # Format table
    if not data_table:
        return Table(
            names=['time', 'band', 'zp', 'flux', 'fluxerr', 'zpsys', 'flag'])

    out_table = Table()
    out_table.meta = data_table.meta

    out_table['time'] = data_table['JD']
    out_table['band'] = _construct_band_name(
        data_table['FILT'], data_table['IDCCD'])

    out_table['zp'] = np.full(len(data_table), 2.5 * np.log10(3631))
    out_table['flux'] = data_table['FLUX'] * 1E-6
    out_table['fluxerr'] = data_table['FLUXERR'] * 1E-6
    out_table['zpsys'] = np.full(len(data_table), 'ab')
    out_table['flag'] = data_table['FLAG']

    return out_table

[docs]class Sako18(PhotometricRelease, DefaultParser): """The ``Sako18`` class provides access to the **photometric** data release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II (SDSS-II) Supernova Survey conducted between 2005 and 2007. Light curves are presented for 10,258 variable and transient sources discovered through repeat ugriz imaging of SDSS Stripe 82, a 300 deg2 area along the celestial equator. This data release is comprised of all transient sources brighter than r ≃ 22.5 mag with no history of variability prior to 2004. (Source: Sako et al. 2018) For the spectroscopic data of this data release see the ``sako18spec`` module. Deviations from the standard UI: - The ``get_outliers`` method returns a dictionary of observations visually flagged by the SDSS team as outliers. Cuts on returned data: - Data points manually marked as outliers by the SDSS research time are not included in returned data tables. """ # General metadata survey_name = 'Sloan Digital Sky Survey' survey_abbrev = 'SDSS' release = 'sako18' survey_url = '' data_type = 'photometric' publications = ('Sako et al. (2018)',) ads_url = '' # Photometric metadata (Required for photometric data, otherwise delete) # Filter information # Effective wavelengths for SDSS filters ugriz in angstroms # are available at band_names = tuple(f'sdss_sako18_{b}{c}' for b, c in product('ugriz', '123456')) zero_point = tuple(2.5 * np.log10(3631) for _ in band_names) def __init__(self): """Define local and remote paths of data""" super().__init__() # Local paths self._filter_dir = self._data_dir / 'doi_2010_filters/' # Transmission filters self._table_dir = self._data_dir / 'tables/' # Tables from the published paper self._smp_dir = self._data_dir / 'SMP_Data/' # SMP data files (photometric light-curves) self._snana_dir = self._data_dir / 'SDSS_dataRelease-snana/' # SNANA files including list of outliers self._outlier_path = self._snana_dir / 'SDSS_allCandidates+BOSS/SDSS_allCandidates+BOSS.IGNORE' # Outlier data self._filter_file_names = tuple(f'{b}{c}.dat' for b, c in product('ugriz', '123456')) self._table_names = 'master_data.txt', 'Table2.txt', 'Table9.txt', 'Table11.txt', 'Table12.txt' # Define urls and file names for remote data self._filter_url = '' self._base_url = '' self._smp_url = urljoin(self._base_url, 'SMP_Data.tar.gz') self._snana_url = urljoin(self._base_url, 'SDSS_dataRelease-snana.tar.gz') def _get_available_tables(self) -> List[str]: """Get Ids for available vizier tables published by this data release""" table_names = [] for f in self._table_dir.glob('*.txt'): table_num = f.stem.strip('Table_data') if table_num.isnumeric(): table_num = int(table_num) table_names.append(table_num) return sorted(table_names, key=lambda x: 0 if x == 'master' else x) def _load_table(self, table_id: Union[int, str]) -> Table: """Return a Vizier table published by this data release Args: table_id: The published table number or table name """ if table_id not in self.get_available_tables(): raise ValueError(f'Table {table_id} is not available.') if table_id == 'master': table = / 'master_data.txt', format='ascii') else: table = self._table_dir / f'Table{table_id}.txt', format='ascii') table['CID'] = Column(table['CID'], dtype=str) if table_id == 9: table['SID'] = Column(table['SID'], dtype=str) return table def _get_available_ids(self): """Return a list of target object IDs for the current survey Returns: A list of object IDs """ return sorted(self.load_table('master')['CID'])
[docs] def get_outliers(self) -> dict: """Return a dictionary of data points marked by SDSS II as outliers Returns: A dictionary {<obj_id>: [<MJD of bad data point>, ...], ...} """ out_dict = dict() with open(self._outlier_path) as ofile: for line in ofile.readlines(): if line.startswith('IGNORE:'): line_list = line.split() cid, mjd, band = line_list[1], line_list[2], line_list[3] if cid not in out_dict: out_dict[str(cid)] = [] out_dict[str(cid)].append(mjd) return out_dict
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal def _get_data_for_id(self, obj_id: str, format_table: bool = True) -> Table: """Returns data for a given object ID Args: obj_id: The ID of the desired object format_table: Format for use with ``sncosmo`` (Default: True) Returns: An astropy table of data for the given ID """ if obj_id not in self.get_available_ids(): raise InvalidObjId() # Read in ascii data table for specified object file_path = self._smp_dir / f'SMP_{int(obj_id):06d}.dat' data =, format='ascii') # Rename columns using header data from file col_names = data.meta['comments'][-1].split() for i, name in enumerate(col_names): data[f'col{i + 1}'].name = name data['JD'] = unit_conversion.convert_to_jd(data['MJD'], format='mjd') # Add meta data master_table = self.load_table('master') table_meta_data = master_table[master_table['CID'] == obj_id] data.meta['obj_id'] = obj_id data.meta['ra'] = table_meta_data['RA'][0] data.meta['dec'] = table_meta_data['DEC'][0] data.meta['z'] = table_meta_data['zCMB'][0] data.meta['z_err'] = table_meta_data['zerrCMB'][0] data.meta['dtype'] = 'photometric' data.meta['classification'] = table_meta_data['Classification'][0] del data.meta['comments'] outlier_list = self.get_outliers().get(obj_id, []) if outlier_list: keep_indices = ~np.isin(data['MJD'], outlier_list) data = data[keep_indices] if format_table: data = _format_table_to_sncosmo(data) return data def _download_module_data(self, force=False, timeout: float = 15): """Download data for the current survey / data release Args: force: Re-Download locally available data timeout: Seconds before timeout for individual files/archives """ # Photometry downloads.download_tar( url=self._smp_url, out_dir=self._data_dir, skip_exists=self._smp_dir, mode='r:gz', force=force, timeout=timeout ) # SNANA files - including files specifying "bad" photometry data points downloads.download_tar( url=self._snana_url, out_dir=self._data_dir, skip_exists=self._snana_dir, mode='r:gz', force=force, timeout=timeout ) # Unzip file listing "bad" photometry outlier_archive = self._snana_dir / 'SDSS_allCandidates+BOSS.tar.gz' if outlier_archive.exists(): with, mode='r:gz') as data: data.extractall(str(outlier_archive.parent)) for file_name in self._table_names: downloads.download_file( url=self._base_url + file_name, destination=self._table_dir / file_name, force=force, timeout=timeout ) for file_name in self._filter_file_names: downloads.download_file( url=self._filter_url + file_name, destination=self._filter_dir / file_name, force=force, timeout=timeout )